Deutsche Bank Developer Portal

Deutsche Bank Developer Portal

Deutsche Bank

Introduction of the Portal 

Since 2017, Deutsche Bank’s Developer Portal is the central place on the web where Deutsche Bank documents its publicly available APIs and offers testing capabilities, self-serviced onboarding and access to live data. As a central part of the Deutsche Bank API Program, it offers a variety of API products across different business units, serving a multitude of individual use cases and clients. This puts the Developer Portal at the core of transforming Deutsche Bank towards an API-driven business.

The developer portal is created on Angular and uses industry standards such as Swagger 2.0, OpenID Connect and OAuth2. Our APIs adhere to the principles of REST. Both the developer portal and the APIs rely on the OWASP security principles.

Why nominated

Best API Reference Documentation & Support

Deutsche Bank’s Developer Portal provides a balanced mix for developers and business decision makers. It comes with an extensive documentation that ranges from less technical overviews of its offerings to full-fledged technology documentation, providing code snippets and a self-explanatory introduction to OAuth2 flows.

Supporting the developers the best it can, the developer portal offers access to a simulator that mimics the behavior of Deutsche Bank’s production environments within the scope of the specific APIs. It also allows the developers to upload their own synthetic data for testing purposes as well as using pre-defined, realistic test personas in order to mirror the consent management process, which the end-user will have to go through.

The FAQ is a compendium of all the questions developers ever asked the API Program. In case someone cannot find the answer to his or her question there or is looking for a person to talk to, they can reach out to the Community Managers who are well connected with the internal developers and other departments within the bank. They are keen to get back to the requester within a few hours – always kind, always ready to help, and they do not rest until they have found the answer.

Best Developer Dashboard

Behind the log-in, users are able to create “apps” for the simulator and to decide if they want to apply for production access with them. These apps act as a container for all the relevant information that is needed by Deutsche Bank in order to ease the process of getting API access for the developer. A team functionality comes with a role concept that allows an easy sharing of responsibilities when managing an app.

The combination of API Explorer and simulator allows developers to integrate the APIs and test their application as if they had access to live environment. In addition, they can upload their own individual test data. All this can be found in one’s own cockpit in the personalized dashboard.

Best Onboarding

“Onboarding” at Deutsche Bank Developer Portal really is all about getting to production fast: after free registration, developers can test their application in a sandbox environment with realistic personas. The technical connection to Deutsche Bank can be implemented in just a few days – depending on the existing IT structure and the available IT resources on the partner or client side. Moreover, because the API Explorer and the simulator behave like live environment, developers do not have to change their codebase again when applying for go-live.

The go-live process is also initiated on the Developer Portal. A wizard guides the developer through it, e.g. asking for the use case and the company details. Submitting all necessary data takes less than five minutes. After that, the Deutsche Bank API Program will review the request and get back to the requester with the necessary instructions on how to proceed. The whole go-live request is completed in less than 14 days, which is many times shorter than the activation processes of other banks.

Nominated in these Categories


Best Use of Analytics in a Developer Portal

Business impact

Developer portals that provide dashboards or analytics to enhance the developer experience or business value of operating with the documented APIs. 


Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals that strike the right balance of just enough information to get an end user engaged, access, and up and running with an API product.