Tokopedia Seller API

Tokopedia Seller API


Introduction of the Portal 

Tokopedia Seller API is an integrated open platform, which provides end-to-end API functions that aim to help sellers manage their shop easily by integrating with third-party enablers or their system through our open API service. Using these interfaces, Tokopedia partners could integrate with the platform to add functionality easily. We’ve covered most of Tokopedia seller functionalities by providing 10 API modules with over 50 endpoints.

Why nominated

- Our partners can easily register the developer account to obtain the API credentials and endpoint access. Therefore, in ensuring the partners that use the API meet our certain quality, we established clear rules and regulations for partners that would like to use our API. The onboarding experience will be divided into 5 parts: (1) Company details submission, (2) T&C agreement, (3) Merchant submission, (4) Tokopedia approval, and (5) Merchant approval.

- We are providing several self-service tools on the developer console to help partners easily manage their API connection with Tokopedia. Once they enter the Developer console, partners will also find more details including the API credentials, API playground for testing purpose, webhook configuration to setup the callback URL and also the log history to help track the product or order status changes in Tokopedia.

- Implementing user-friendly API documentation is the key to its successful adoption. Tokopedia Seller API also provides the technical documentation which can help our partners to learn further about the API functionality and enable them to start using it conveniently . Partners can also find more details about the API mechanism, API request and response example in a human-readable format. Furthermore, should partners have any inquiries regarding the integration, they can refer to the FAQ page or directly submit the tickets through the technical support section.

- To deliver the best possible experience for our end users, every section of the portal within our API was designed thoroughly by carrying out user research in ensuring the most convenient interface for users.

Nominated in these Categories


Best Use of Analytics in a Developer Portal

Business impact

Developer portals that provide dashboards or analytics to enhance the developer experience or business value of operating with the documented APIs. 


Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals that strike the right balance of just enough information to get an end user engaged, access, and up and running with an API product.