Wathq Developer Portal

Wathq Developer Portal

Thiqah for Business Services

Introduction of the Portal 

The portal enables the developers to integrate with data services from 9 different organizations. The service is designed to provide output for certain inputs to provide authentication from real-time database.

Developers can integrate with these services seamlessly without any human interaction.

Recently, a search engine has been added for the developers to integrate with and to allow them to have at their ends.

Why nominated

The portal is unique on its business model and the technology behind it. Using latest technologies, the portal is able to onboard, integrate, and provide valuable data from multiple entities with few clicks.

The enablement include free package for SMEs, students, and research centers to provide valuable data.


Nominated in these Categories


Best Served API Business Model

Business impact

Developer portals that have a coherent, clear, and orienting narrative to explain what their offerings are about, to help both developers and business users to discover and evaluate the right API for...