The Digital Identity programme in the Government Digital Service - GDS (which sits in Cabinet Office) is creating a single sign-on and digital identity solution for government.
People are asked to sign in and prove their identity in various ways across government, for example different usernames and passwords to file your tax return, claim benefits or apply for a driving licence. This makes it hard for users to keep track of all their logins. GDS is creating one joined-up, simple, secure way for people to sign in and prove who they are. Other government departments can integrate with and use this service.
The service the Digital Identity programme in GDS is building is called GOV.UK Sign In: To use GOV.UK Sign In, government departments need technical documentation (‘tech docs’) which they can follow to integrate.
Why nominated?
GOV.UK Sign In technical documentation is fully WCAG-accessible.
It uses plain English and user-led, task-based design throughout, and includes accessible technical flow diagrams to help a range of users smoothly integrate with the product.