High Mobility (2022)


High Mobility


We are advancing car experiences through open data interfaces and immersive developer tools. Businesses use High Mobility to build their perfect blend of data points to optimise and scale their products.

Why nominated? 

Best Community Spotlight & Support - Community of 800 connected car developers discussing everything about connectivity and data in our open Slack group. Open-source car data API libraries, SDKs and sample apps in our GitHub repository. Our team of experts supporting developers and companies throughout all stages of car data utilisation and integration.

Best Accessible Developer Portal - The only self-serve connected car data platform. We provide all car data in an open source data format for all supported brands. You can find tools for every platform and integrate car data API from over 500 models. Test your applications with in-browser car simulators before moving into production environment.

Best Served API Business Model - Free to register and test with car simulators. Free support and only pay for car data when going live.


Best Served API Business Model

Nominated in these Categories


Best Served API Business Model

Business impact

Developer portals that have a coherent, clear, and orienting narrative to explain what their offerings are about, to help both developers and business users to discover and evaluate the right API for...