Katana Developer Portal (2022)


Katana Manufacturing ERP


Katana’s Developer Portal helps developers integrate Katana (a manufacturing ERP) with a range of integrations and create custom workflows that can improve upon Katana’s capabilities - keeping all manufacturing data, teams, and tools in sync.

Katana API enables customers and development partners to create custom integrations between Katana and e-commerce, accounting, shipping, and other services they use. The portal also serves as a developer experience and support channel with the prospect of becoming the connector of a modern manufacturing platform.


Why nominated?

Katana API is extensive, clear, and easy to use.

Best API reference documentation

  • With the help of our simple and easy-to-use comprehensive guides (which cover a wide range of scenarios when building an integration or simply a workflow), it’s easy for developers to get started. The documentation follows a clear and consistent structure that is easy to follow even if a developer is less experienced with the API documentation. Everything that one may need to know about the API is documented (authentication, filtering, pagination, webhooks, etc.), further enhancing usability.
  • Resources are structured and consistent (alphabetical order for resources and CRUD for methods) and use a clear and clean design. For increased discoverability, users can search guides and API references using Ctrl+k.
  • Code snippets in 24 languages with dynamic code generation.
  • Users can vote on article helpfulness and suggest edits.


Best findability of products in a dev portal

  • A logical approach the searching through guides and API references using Ctrl+k.
  • Improved discoverability of the Developer Portal via several locations in and around the product, including top and bottom menus with Katana. A Knowledge Base that gives an overview of the API and links back to it and in-app discoverability when browsing integrations.
  • Katana’s API applies a “flat structure” system for resources and their methods, with each entity being found within the main list. Resources are structured and consistent (alphabetical order for resources and CRUD for methods).
  • The design is visually appealing, applying a clear and clean approach.


Best visual design

  • The Katana developer portal emphasizes a clear and clean design consistent with Katana’s brand, where a similar structure is mained in-app. The way the documentation is set up should provide an easily understandable structure for both newcomers and experienced developers alike.

Nominated in these Categories


Best Findability of Products in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals with easy to discover tools or structures that allow for finding APIs.