Equifax Developer API Portal (2023)


Equifax, Inc


The Equifax Developer API Portal opens the gateway to unleash the full potential of data-driven innovation. Gain instant access to a comprehensive suite of over 50 consumer and business products, including credit scores, alternative data, identity verification, and employment data, empowering robust decision-making. Our user-friendly portal is designed to address initial non-technical inquiries, providing valuable resources such as features, use cases, and clear business value definitions. We go beyond that by facilitating developers' access to essential technical tools through artifacts like open API specifications, Postman collections, and automated sandbox environments. From code samples to comprehensive documentation, our portal ensures that app developers receive the right information, in the most helpful format, precisely when they need it.

Whether businesses are developing fintech solutions, enhancing risk management capabilities, or creating personalized customer experiences, the Equifax API Developer Portal equips them with the necessary tools and expertise to accelerate the development journey and drive business growth.


Why nominated


Best Findability of Products in a DevPortal

The Equifax for Developers portal is organized with a “many ways for many brains” approach by prioritizing the findability and accessibility for organic self-service exploration. Our main landing page directs developers to three key actions: exploring our API offerings, learning how to become our customer, and accessing the portal quick guides. We also make it easy for users to find our most popular product by highlighting in a "Product Spotlight" section prominently displayed on the home page. With an intuitive user interface, our portal offers a natural workflow for users to find, try, learn, and create with just a few clicks. On a single page, our extensive collection of products is organized in a consistent manner by presenting product names in alpha order, descriptors, and value propositions for easy browsing and comparison. To enhance search, products can be filtered by customer lifecycle and data type, allowing them to quickly narrow-in on solutions that best fit their specific business needs. Products that are often used together are contained in a “suite” as a way to suggest applicable combinations to help expand and refine strategies. All our detailed business and technical information, along with sandbox access, are readily available post-login, ensuring users have all the resources necessary to find, understand and integrate our products seamlessly.


Best Served API Business Model

Our products are intentionally structured with consistency enabling users to quickly learn the value in a self-service manner. Each Product’s Overview documentation helps a user understand, “Why should I use this product, and how will it help me solve the business problem I’m trying to address?”. The repeatable messaging framework emphasizes the product's functionalities, value propositions, and relatable business use cases. By providing clear benefits, features, and intended audiences, users can quickly understand how our API products address their specific business challenges. This business model helps users expedite their time-to-development and drive innovation faster than ever before. 


Nominated in these Categories


Best Served API Business Model

Business impact

Developer portals that have a coherent, clear, and orienting narrative to explain what their offerings are about, to help both developers and business users to discover and evaluate the right API for...


Best Findability of Products in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals with easy to discover tools or structures that allow for finding APIs.