Mercedes-Benz / developers (2023)


Mercedes-Benz AG


Mercedes–Benz /developers is the developer ecosystem by Mercedes-Benz. We make Mercedes-Benz Data APIs available to encourage the development of innovative business models for automotive and beyond. With the Bring-Your-Own-Car initiative we address the private developers community.


Why nominated

The Mercedes-Benz /developers team is eager to provide best-in-class developer portal that provide everything our developers and business users need. The portal conveys a clear and state-of-the-art design language. The overall visual appeal of the portal creates a positive user experience and demonstrates attention to detail. This draws users’ attention to the most important thing: our products.

Navigating the extensive range of data products can be overwhelming, but the MB /developers Portal simplifies this task through efficient product findability. The portal includes an intuitive filter feature, logical categorization, and well-organized documentation. The filter enables developers to easily find products for a specific use case, specific vehicles or even for a specific package type (for example, free trial subscriptions), without wasting time.

In the past months we have focused on creating a smooth onboarding process for our customers, ensuring that developers quickly familiarize themselves with the platform and its main features. Our new onboarding guide is accessible via the main navigation bar and offers clear instructions and step-by-step tutorials to guide users effectively. The onboarding experience sets developers up for success, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and confidence to start integrating MB /developers data products. We have also extendend the portal support section with general and product-specific FaQs, which will help users to answer some questions which might come up in the onboarding process.



Nominated in these Categories


Best Findability of Products in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals with easy to discover tools or structures that allow for finding APIs. 


Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals that strike the right balance of just enough information to get an end user engaged, access, and up and running with an API product.