DHL API Developer Portal (2024)

DHL API Developer Portal front page screenshot

DHL Group

About the Developer Portal

The DHL API Developer Portal is a platform provided by DHL that offers developers access to a variety of APIs. The DHL API Developer Portal offers a range of features to assist developers in integrating DHL's shipping and logistics services into their applications. Some of the key features include:

  • Shipment creation
  • Shipment tracking
  • Rate calculation
  • Address validation
  • Pickup scheduling
  • Time and transit information
  • Customs documentation
  • Location services

The portal provides comprehensive documentation and resources to help developers leverage DHL's shipping capabilities effectively. Addtionally, developers can subscribe themselves to get Notification about APIs. The API Portal has help center to answer any questions or requirement. 


Why They Stand Out

DHL API Developer Portal has several benefits:

  • Comprehensive logistics functionality
  • Well-documented APIs
  • Developer-friendly tools
  • Support and community engagement

Increased market reach: By offering an API Developer Portal, DHL can extend its reach beyond its traditional customer base. Developers and businesses from various industries can leverage DHL's logistics capabilities and integrate them into their own applications, websites, or systems. This expanded market reach can lead to increased brand exposure and potential business opportunities.

Enhanced customer experience: Through the API Developer Portal, DHL can provide a seamless and integrated shipping experience for its customers. By allowing developers to integrate DHL's services directly into their applications, customers can access shipping functionality without the need for manual processes or switching between different systems. This can result in a more efficient and streamlined experience for customers.



Nominated in these Categories

Best Unified Enterprise Developer Portal

Complexity management

Developer portals that were created to serve as the one unified platform for the extensive API portfolios of large and complex corporations.

Best Reference Documentation beyond REST APIs

Developer experience

Developer portals that stand out in guiding non-REST API integration journeys.


Best Served API Business Model

Business impact

Developer portals that have a coherent, clear, and orienting narrative to explain what their offerings are about, to help both developers and business users to discover and evaluate the right API for...