Dynatrace Developer (2024)

Dynatrace Developer home page screenshot

Dynatrace Austria GmbH

About the Developer Portal

Whether you're a beginner or a pro, Dynatrace Developer has the tools, documentation, and support you need to create incredible Dynatrace Apps with minimal effort.


Why They Stand Out

With a goal of supporting both internal and external (employees, customers and partners) developers of Dynatrace Apps throughout their development journey, and creating an experience that developers love, we set out to publicly release the first version of our developer portal last year. We believe we have set a great foundation for learning how to build your first app and beyond, and are continuously trying to improve the learning journey and developer experience. 

For the category of "Best Served Integration Solutions Developer Portal", we'd like to highlight our effort to combine instructional content such as guides and tutorials with explanation pages and technical reference docs to guide our developers as seamlessly as possible across a multitude of technologies and tools. When creating Dynatrace App our AppEngine with React and TypeScript is at the core of the development experience, but our ecosystem of additional tools and technology features makes the developer journey multifaceted and potentially confusing. From accessing our accompanying Platform Services via our SDK packages, incorporating App Functions as our serverless backend, using our Strato Design System components, utilizing tooling such as our Dynatrace App Toolkit, and seeking the assistance of our Visual Studio Code extension for creating Dynatrace Apps, we provide an immense multitude of ways to implement. There is seldom a single path to solving a use case through the use of Dynatrace Apps, and our challenge has been to tie the pieces together in a clear way that highlights these possibilities. 

When it comes to the category of "Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal", we'd like to emphasise that in order to make it even easier to get started developing Dynatrace Apps, we've also made a full video version of our main tutorial to make our core content even easier to consume and to boost the getting started journey. We've also created our own Strato Design System to further ease the onboarding, saving developers the hassle of creating all front end functionality from scratch. An emphasis has been made to provide complete design system documentation, filled with example renders, example code, prop tables, and even CodeSandbox examples. We believe our onboarding experience is in good shape, and look forward to further improving it in the years to come.


Nominated in these Categories

Best Served Integration Solutions in a Developer Portal

Complexity management

Developer portals that enable more than just custom API integrations.


Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals that strike the right balance of just enough information to get an end user engaged, access, and up and running with an API product.