About the Developer Portal
The Onfido Documentation Portal is Onfido’s primary resource for technical documentation. With content catering to a wide range of internal and external audiences, the portal includes a comprehensive collection of introductory and product guides, a detailed API reference and integration documentation for our five Smart Capture SDKs.
The portal also includes filtered search capabilities, a range of integration libraries available in numerous programming languages, as well as a Postman Collection to help facilitate API testing.
Built entirely in-house, the Onfido Documentation Portal caters for a variety of backend sources, including automated content generated with our latest software and SDK releases, as well as carefully crafted manually written content.
Why They Stand Out
Best Reference Documentation Beyond Rest APIs
While Onfido’s solution can be implemented using only our REST API, the recommended integration path involves the orchestration of workflows using Onfido’s bespoke orchestration solution, Onfido Studio, in combination with our Smart Capture SDKs.
The Onfido Documentation Portal includes a comprehensive Getting Started section offering a general overview of the Onfido ecosystem, a detailed Onfido Studio product guide and a step-by-step tutorial that walks customers through an initial Studio + SDK integration.
The Onfido Documentation Portal’s landing page is also designed to highlight the seamless integration of working with our Smart Capture SDKs, offering direct links to an SDK subsection where users can find detailed reference documentation for all SDK platforms (iOS, Android, Web, React Native, Flutter).
As both the API-only and Studio + SDK integration paths are available to customers, careful attention has been paid to ensuring Onfido’s documentation clearly distinguishes between the two paths.
Best Served Integration Solutions in a Developer Portal
As Onfido caters for both SMBs and enterprise customers, there is no one-size-fits-all method for integrating Onfido’s identity verification solution. Customers can opt for an API-only implementation, or choose to integrate using our low to no-code orchestration platform, Onfido Studio, in combination with one of our five Smart Capture SDK platforms. Additionally, customers can also choose to make use of our custom integration libraries, available in five programming languages.
All of these integration patterns are documented on the Onfido Documentation Portal.
The API is documented through a range of support guides, as well as a comprehensive versioned API reference which includes introductory overview content and detailed endpoint documentation, complete with copy-to-clipboard code examples in numerous programming languages.
For Onfido Studio, the portal includes a comprehensive product guide, in addition to a step-by-step tutorial on integration using the orchestration tool.
The portal also includes a dedicated section for our Smart Capture SDKs, with detailed versioned reference documentation for all five platforms, complete with copy-to-clipboard code examples in numerous programming languages.
To help facilitate API testing, the portal also provides a Postman Collection.
Best Findability of Products in a Developer Portal
The landing page of the Onfido Documentation Portal is designed to be an entry point or springboard for a range of stakeholders. From the immediate call-to-action button that funnels users towards our Getting Started introductory content, to the header navigation tabs and content panels that drill down to Onfido’s product guides, API reference and SDK documentation, the portal’s content hierarchy has been structured so that information is quickly and easily accessible to all audiences.
The portal’s content design offers users an intuitive navigation experience, with a left hand menu for quick access between guides and sections, and a right hand table of contents to easily move within an article itself.
And finally, the portal supports advanced search capabilities that includes:
- category filters which are dynamically enabled based on the search query
- smart weighting of results in-place to highlight only the latest version of documents, with an emphasis on technical guides
- indexing of results is automatic, based on all new documentation added to the portal