Rootstock Developer Portal (2024)



About the Developer Portal

Rootstock's developer documentation is centered on the needs of the platform users and developers, focusing on creating a platform that is both informative and intuitive. Regardless of the developer experience level and learning journey, the documentation portal contains the resources and tools needed to build and deploy dApps on Rootstock.


Why They Stand Out

  • Engaging Landing Page: A compelling homepage that clearly articulates the value proposition for developers, highlighting key benefits and use cases of building on Rootstock.
  • Intuitive User Experience: A seamless navigation structure that caters to developers of all levels. Personalized content paths and clear call-to-actions guide users efficiently.
  • Comprehensive Content Organization: Well-structured content layers, such as concepts, developers, node operators, resources, developer tools, tutorials, and code samples, ensuring easy access to relevant information.
  • Intelligent Search (ASK AI): A powerful AI-driven search function to help developers quickly find answers to their queries and troubleshoot issues.
  • Accessibility: Adherence to accessibility standards to accommodate developers with disabilities, promoting inclusivity.
  • Transparent Updates: A dedicated changelog page providing clear and timely information about Rootstock's features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Nominated in these Categories

Best Accessible Multimodal Documentation in a Developer Portal

Complexity management

This category celebrates effective use of multimodal information delivery on a developer portal for the purpose of better accessibility.


Best Findability of Products in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals with easy to discover tools or structures that allow for finding APIs. 


Best Onboarding Experience in a Developer Portal

Developer experience

Developer portals that strike the right balance of just enough information to get an end user engaged, access, and up and running with an API product.