An overview of the winners

DevPortal Awards Jury Prize Winner

What makes your API references good?
How can you boost developer experience?
What docs do decision makers need?
What ensures accessibility?

See how this year's winners tackle these issues and what feedback the Jury gave on their work.

Thank you

Thank you for being part of DevPortal Awards 2019. We hope we could all learn from the best practices of the nominated portals as well as from the feedback of the Jury.

A follow-up blog post will be published soon, and we're planning interviews with the winners too. Stay tuned!

Voting is over

Public voting for the Best Overall Developer Portal *Community Prize* is over. This year the portals received 2210 votes altogether and we have a winner with 366 votes.

Voting & Jury results will be announced at the Awards Gala on 11 October, then they'll be posted on the site too.

Stay tuned!


Awards Gala on 11 October

We invite you to the Awards Gala, where the finalists & winners of 12 categories will be announced together with the winner of the Best Overall Developer Portal *Community Prize*.

Place: CIRCL, Amsterdam (Gustav Mahlerplein 1B)
Time: starting at 15:40 CET