How to treat SDKs

Tom Tom developer portal image

Programmable Web's editor chose TomTom's award winning developer portal to explain why we should treat SDKs as first class citizens.

Videos & recap notes from APIdays Paris 2019

API The Docs Paris promo image

APIdays Paris dedicated a full-day track to API documentation and developer portals in December 2019. Videos, slides and our recap notes of the presentations are now available on the Pronovix blog.

Developer Portals & Digital Transformation

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What is digital transformation?

In this article Kristof Van Tomme explains his understanding and investigates what roles developer portals can have in it.

Drupal 8 for Developer Portals

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In this article Diliny Corlosquet from Pronovix outlines the elements of why Drupal 8 is a good candidate for building your developer portal and why they use it as the base for their SaaS product.