The Jury meets today

DevPortal Awards Jury

Anne Gentle, Lukas Rosenstock and Bob Watson meets today in a call to select the winners of 12 categories. Big shout-out to the Jury for reviewing 27 nominees and providing feedback so we all can learn.

Good luck to the contestants and let the best portals win!


Who is going to win the Community Prize in 2019?

DevPortal Awards 2019

Public voting ends at the end of this month. So far the portals received almost 1500 votes and it seems there are 5 very popular ones with over 100 votes each. Who is going to win? 

There's still plenty of time to mobilize your fans! We cheerlead for every contestant on Twitter by liking and re-tweeting your voting promo. Let the most enthusiastic team win!

Who are the members of the Jury in 2019?

DevPortal Awards Jury 2019

We're thrilled to announce that Anne Gentle, Lukas Rosenstock and Bob Watson confirmed to form the DevPortal Awards Jury in 2019.

They're going to select the winners in 11 categories and they'll also decide on the Best Overall Developer Portal Jury prize.

Public voting starts next month!

DevPortal Awards 2019

Public voting in the Best Overall category starts in August and this year you'll need to register with your email address before voting for your favourite portal. Voting might take a bit longer than last year, but we hope we'll create a fair(er) contest by introducing this 2-step process.

Good luck to the contestants!